

Melanie Swalwell
Professor of Digital Media Heritage, Swinburne University, Melbourne

Sean Cubitt
Professor of Screen Studies, University of Melbourne, Melbourne

Dragan Espenschied
Preservation Director, Rhizome
As Preservation Director, Dragan stewards ArtBase, a collection of more than 2200 works of digital art and net art. With a background in net activism, net art, and electronic music, Espenschied’s activities as a conservator are mostly focused on infrastructure and field-wide action concerning web archiving, emulation, and linked open data, rather than singular artworks.
Melanie Barrett
Conservator, Singapore Art Museum (SAM) and Heritage Conservation Centre (HCC), Singapore
Rebecca Barnott-Clement
Senior Time-Based Art Conservator,Art Gallery of New South Wales (AGNSW)
Matthew Burgess
Lead Digital Archivist, State Library of NSW, Sydney
Matthew Burgess is the Lead Digital Archivist at the State Library of NSW, responsible for ensuring the long-term preservation and access of the Library’s born-digital collections. He works closely with colleagues who identify and acquire new digital materials and develops and implements policies and procedures for the long-term preservation of digital collections. He leads the Digital Preservation Network for National and State Libraries Australasia (NSLA), represents NSLA on the Digital Preservation Coalition’s Australasian stakeholder group, and is a co-organiser for the Australasia Preserves digital preservation community of practice.
René G. Cepeda
Director, New Media Caucus’ Header/Footer Gallery
Seb Chan
Director and CEO, ACMI, Melbourne
Candice Cranmer
Time-based Media Conservator, ACMI, Melbourne
Avery Dame-Griff
Lecturer, Gonzaga University, Spokane, Washington.
Dr Avery Dame-Griff is a Lecturer in Women’s and Gender Studies at Gonzaga University. He founded and serves as primary curator of the Queer Digital History Project (queerdigital.com), an independent community history project cataloging and archiving pre-2010 LGBTQ spaces online. His book, The Two Revolutions: A History of the Transgender Internet (August 2023, NYU Press) tracks how the Internet transformed transgender political organizing from the 1980s to the contemporary moment.
Kirsten Day
Lecturer, University of Melbourne; Director, Norman Day + Associates Architects
Denise De Vries
Research Associate, Swinburne University/
Taryn Ellis
Digital Preservation Technical Analyst, State Library of South Australia, Adelaide
Taryn Ellis is a technical professional with nearly two decades experience in the GLAM sector. During this time Taryn has worked across multiple state organisations to record, analyse and preserve both physical and digital heritage material. In her current role as Digital Preservation Technical Analyst at the State Library of South Australia, Taryn is focussed on ensuring ongoing access to the unique collections held in trust for the public.
Arda Erdikmen
Lecturer, Bilgi University, Istanbul
Patricia Falcao
Time-based Media Conservator, Tate, London; Collaborative Doctoral Researcher, Tate and Goldsmiths University, London
Joanna Fleming
Digital Preservation Manager, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
Ivo Furman
Assistant Professor, Faculty of New Media and Communication, Bilgi University, Istanbul
Corinna Gardner
Senior Curator, Design and Digital, Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Liz Giuffre
Senior Lecturer, Communications and Music and Sound Design, UTS, Sydney
Angela Goddard
Director, Griffith University Art Museum (GUAM)
Angela Goddard is a curator and writer of settler descent. She is Director of the Griffith University Art Museum (GUAM), chair of University Art Museums Australia and a board member of the Sheila Foundation. Recent publications include Richard Bell Reader: TATE Modern, 2023, and Richard Bell Reader: documenta fifteen, 2022 (co-edited with Megan Tamati-Quennell), Gordon Bennett: Selected Writings, 2020 (co-edited with Tim Riley Walsh), and recent exhibitions Round About or Inside co-curated with Wouter Davidts, GUAM, 2021 and Vandenhove, Ghent, 2022, and Rebecca Belmore: Turbulent Water co-curated with Wanda Nanibush, GUAM, 2021 and Buxton Contemporary, 2021-2022.
Kieran Hegarty
PhD Researcher, RMIT University; Research Fellow, ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society,
Kieran Hegarty is a librarian and sociologist. He is currently a PhD candidate at RMIT University and a Research Fellow at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society. In 2022, he was an inaugural Digital Humanism Junior Visiting Fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna. Kieran’s research examines how public institutions and infrastructures are evolving in an era of digital and social media and is published in a range of media and information studies journals, including Internet Histories and New Media & Society.
Eric Kaltman
Assistant Professor, California State University Channel Islands
Chris Henschke
Richard Lewei Huang
PhD Researcher, Information School of the University of Washington, Seattle
Richard Lewei Huang is a PhD student at the Information School of the University of Washington, Seattle. He is interested in histories of Internets, web archiving, and software preservation. He holds an M.A. in Media, Culture, and Communication and a B.S. in Interactive Media Arts and Global China Studies from New York University. https://lewei.me
Patrick Lester
Curatorial and Collections Officer (Access), Griffith University Art Museum (GUAM), Brisbane
Lisa Mansfield
Time-based Art Conservator, Art Gallery of NSW, Sydney
Patrick McIntyre
Chief Executive Officer, National Film and Sound Archive, Canberra
Katherine Mitchell
PhD Researcher, Victoria and Albert (V&A) Museum and Birkbeck College, London
Ania Molenda
Independent architecture researcher, curator, writer, and educator
Cynde Moya
Postdoctoral Fellow, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne
Norie Neumark
Honorary Professorial Fellow, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne and Emeritus Professor, La Trobe University, Melbourne
Norie Neumark is a sound/media artist and theorist. Her radiophonic works have been commissioned and broadcast in Australia (ABC) and in the US. Her collaborative art practice with Maria Miranda (www.out-of-sync.com) has been commissioned and exhibited nationally and internationally. Her sound studies research is recently focused on voice. Her writing on voice includes Voicetracks: attuning to voice in media and the arts, (MIT Press, 2017) and Voice: Vocal Aesthetics in Digital Arts and Media, (MIT Press, 2010), lead editor and contributor. She is the founding editor of Unlikely: Journal for Creative Arts. http://unlikely.net.au
Joseph C. Osborn
Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Pomona College, California
Dr Joseph C. Osborn is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Pomona College. His research spans media studies, artificial intelligence, and software verification in the domain of videogame design and development. His current research areas include automatically retrofitting accessibility features onto 1980s-1990s videogames and structured knowledge representations for automated playtesting of adventure and role-playing games. Dr. Osborn is currently developing the Game and Interactive Software Scholarship Toolkit (GISST) with funding from the US National Endowment for the Humanities.
Irene Proebsting & Barry Brown
Fabiola Rocco
Contemporary Art Conservator, Singapore Art Museum (SAM) and Heritage Conservation Centre (HCC), Singapore
Roxi Ruuska
Digital Archives Analyst, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney
Roxi Ruuska is a Digital Archives Analyst at the State Library of NSW and has over a decade of experience working with heritage collections in libraries and museums. Roxi supports her colleagues in the acquisition and description of unpublished born-digital collections and ensures that this material is safely preserved for future generations.
Constanza Salazar
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Cooper Union, New York
Asti Sherring
Manager of Changeable and Digital Collections, National Museum of Australia and Time-based media art consultant, Museum of New Zealand, Te Papa Tongarewa.
Morgan Stricot
Senior Media and Digital Art Conservator, ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Germany.
Helen Stuckey
Lecturer, RMIT University, Melbourne
Anna Kallen Talley
PhD Researcher, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh
Matthieu Vlaminck
Senior Media and Digital Art Conservator, ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Germany
Robin Wright
Head Australasia and Asia-Pacific, Digital Preservation Coalition