Building a Grand Consortia…
In the keynote that opened Born Digital Cultural Heritage Now 2023 on November 29th, 2023, Melanie Swalwell, Professor of Digital Media Heritage at Swinburne University, emphasised that collaboration is critical if we are to meet the urgent technical, ethical,...

SIDE-BY-SIDE: Showcasing Emulation of Media Artworks
February 10, 2023; Swinburne University. Visitors to SIDE-BY-SIDE played 1990s video games and interacted with media artworks from the same period, installed on original hardware and emulated using EaaSI. Inspired by the Guggenheim Museum’s curatorial concept of...
An invitation to SIDE-BY-SIDE-2023
Showcase SIDE-BY-SIDE showcases research into preserving and emulating digital cultural artefacts undertaken by the Archiving Australian Media Arts and Play It Again projects. Select videogames and media artworks from the projects can be viewed on original platforms...
Media Arts in Australian Collections
Too often, this is what media art history of the last 30 years looks like: a bunch of disks in a drawer. Part of the dLux archive at the Art Gallery of NSW Australian digital media arts heritage is at risk. Australian artists were significant contributors to the...
FAQ – Emulation and Disk Imaging
We recognise that emulation is new for many people. We’ve prepared a FAQ to help explain what we're doing in this project. Q: Why are we doing this project? A: Media obsolescence has made digital media artworks from the 1990s virtually unplayable because of the...