The Media Arts in Australian Collections database presents responses to a survey that was distributed nationally in 2020, inviting GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives & Museums) institutions to share information on the media art works in their collections, up to 2010. The database is searchable and is intended to assist in identifying and locating works, as well as providing researchers with a cross-institutional view of collections (in keeping with our project's subtitle "towards a national collection"). It aims to address a gap in knowledge about Australian institutions holdings of media art and enrich understanding of the diversity and depth of archival holdings.
Data provided by collecting institutions are being uploaded to the database over the course of this research project. On completion, the database will provide a snapshot of Australian media art held by those organisations that responded to the survey, at the time of their response. Researchers can access and download information, according to title, artist, media type, and the organisation that holds the work. They should then contact the relevant organisation for further information on the work and whether it can be accessed. Works may be in the process of being indexed, catalogued, and preserved.
De Vries, D., Swalwell, M., 2020, Media Arts in Australian Collections, electronic dataset, Swinburne University, Melbourne, URL: https://www.aama.net.au/maac/
Last update: 23 May 2024